How To Be Hipster: The Additude

Today I will be talking about the general hipster attitude, and how you can achieve this attitude.
The attitude is really just about being yourself completely and not really caring what others think about your personality, what you look like or your clothing.

Hipsters (stereotypically) are though to only think of Ray-Bans and coffee. It is an option to think about these things often, but you should try to think your interests and not what other people think you should be.

Attitude Overview:
- You are yourself, and only yourself.
- You don't care what others think about you.
- Looks aren't the most important thing.
- I don't care what others think of my interests, I like what I like.
- I want to be original, not be a conformist.
- I won't ever act stupid

Basically, it is all about being yourself and having a good time. Originality Rules!!!


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